Tips Before You Spend Online

Marketers are flocking to the Internet and dedicating part of their ad budgets to that channel. A recent report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers found that online ad revenue soared to a record $3.9 billion in first-quarter 2006, a 38 percent year-over-year increase.

But any opportunity brings challenges, and the task of designing, implementing and managing an online campaign can seem complex for someone just starting. Also, developing an online ad strategy can be daunting given the constant evolution of the Web. Add in the heated competition among businesses for search terms, and you may question whether advertising online is worth the effort.

But through a few tips and tricks, a targeted online campaign can outweigh the challenges. Here are some simple rules to consider before you embark on your campaign.

Start with the basics. An online ad campaign will fail without clearly defined, quantifiable objectives that you can measure against. Think about your campaign goals. Yes, you want to convert clicks into sales, but what other objectives do you wish to achieve?

Define your audience. Many innovative tools can help marketers target their campaigns. So it goes without saying that one of the first steps for success is to define your audience. Once you know this, it’s much easier to determine where your ads need to be.

Speak the language. Every industry has its own language. Online advertising is no different. There are targeting strategies such as “behavioral,” “content,” “keyword,” “local” and “geo-targeting.” You’ll also hear acronyms like “CPM” and “CPC.” Educate yourself so you speak the same tongue.

Integration is key. There are usually several ways to answer a question. The same idea holds true in advertising, where your customers complete the buying cycle in various ways. Often, an integrated marketing strategy will yield better results than limiting yourself to a single targeting tool.

Diversify. Everyone spends time online searching for information, but remember that search engines represent only a small part of the Web. The rest consists of content pages, which refer to anything that is published on the Web, whether it’s by Joe Smith or Dow Jones. Engines command lots of eyeballs, but it’s important to diversify beyond search to target the content pages your audience reads.

Combine ad formats. You’ve seen many types of formats designed to break through the clutter. A good combination would be to buy a mix of CPM display and CPC sponsored links. CPM refers to the amount an advertiser pays each time a user views the ad, while CPC stands for cost-per-click, or payment each time a user clicks on the ad.

Measure for success. Track your ad spend and the ROI of every ad purchase religiously. This will help you identify which ad format is giving you the best conversion rate for your dollars. Set up unique tracking for each type of online advertising you buy.

Posted by Cak Momon, Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:52 PM | 0 comments |

Tips To Maximize Your Results From Advertising With AdBrite

  1. Always check the hottest sellers list on the home page to see what sites might be new, or relevant at the current time period.
  2. Always check out the “ad specials” section in the advertiser dashboard, you will typically find some great deals.
  3. Think outside of the box, and think demographically. If you want college students where might they be?…if you want to reach women, what sites might they be on?
  4. Try multiple campaigns with different ad copy to see what might be converting.
  5. Setup multiple Run of Network campaigns at varying CPC rates. If CPC rates change or some advertisers drop out then your campaigns may see a big boost in traffic. Some at high CPC rates and some at the lowest.
  6. Test a variety of offers at low CPC rates for Run of Network ads.
  7. Make sure you add all of your key terms and all the Adbrite ‘categories’ that apply to your Run of Network campaigns, this determines how much traffic you will receive.
  8. Buy ads on big traffic and small traffic sites. You can find some diamonds in the rough, small sites, and have 20 of these low volume sites at low rates and build up good results.

Posted by Cak Momon, 11:48 PM | 0 comments |